ECU tuning can be installed through one of the following methods:
A. Purchase a Flashzilla Pro from our website:
B. Contact and book an appointment through a dealer:
C. Bench flashing: The ECU (engine computer) must be removed from the vehicle and then shipped in or tuned by a distributor with bench tools. Please open a Ticket with us to arrange this option. This is not recommended as they can easily be tuned through the diagnostic port.
3.0L TDI transmission tuning may also be available and is highly recommended to improve the driving experience. It is in testing at the time of this writing.
Install instructions
FlashZilla Pro
FlashZilla V3
Follow the guide at
Plug the device into your OBD2 port (typically located on the underside of the dashboard, left side), go through the tuning menu and select your ECU: Bosch EDC17CP44 3.0L TDI. The engine code isn't vital as long as the ECU version is correct (displayed at the bottom row)

Unplug the tool from your car and then plug it into your PC, load the software and press "Download Data." Save the file to your PC.

Drag/drop your ECU read onto This will decode the file and then allow you to select your tune options:

You may choose multiple files and will only be charged for the most expensive one. Proceed through the check out to pay for and download files. If you do not see the options you'd like, please create a ticket with a full break down of your modifications by pressing "Request Custom Tuning." That will open a Ticket.
When you receive your ECU read, download that and load it into your device by pressing "Upload Data"

It will prompt you to disconnect the device when complete
Plug the device back into your car and go through the tuning menu, select the tune that you'd like to install It will show an asterisk next to whichever file is currently installed
A battery charger is recommended for all ECU flashing
Turn the ignition on with the engine off to begin writing your tune, follow the prompts and it will show a progress bar while the tune is writing
Tune complete! Enjoy responsibly